As you’re probably aware, we’re all on a journey. Duh.
But I wanted to draw attention to the essence of journeying, whether through your daily life or an afternoon with plant medicine, and ask the cards what they have to offer.
This week’s reading focuses on what you might need to hear in order to feel supported on your journey right now, whatever type of journey you’re on.
The Cards
Decks: Pagan Otherworlds and Sacred Traveler Oracle
Hold up!
Choose a card from the photo above before scrolling down.
Wandering Path & 9 of Wands reversed
You’ve been giving life your all.
And you’re feeling it.
You’re tired of trying so hard.
You’re also just plain tired.
This is a gentle reminder that you don’t have to push quite so hard. Sometimes we forget the simple truth that we can’t really control how things go.
But you can control how you handle it.
Imagine that instead of paddling your ass off to get upstream, you pull in the oars, settle in, and turn your boat around.
Release. Trust. And breathe.
Stepping into Power & 7 of Cups reversed
Sometimes the endless barrage of media, messages, noise, and choices that you’re exposed to can leave you feeling exhausted and almost paralyzed with indecision.
Perhaps you’re questioning your choices.
Did I make the wrong one?
This is a beautiful reminder that you can’t make a wrong decision if you choose to learn from the result and let it guide you back home to your aligned Self.
It can feel like that’s impossible sometimes, but you are STRONG.
You made it this far.
Let your emotions be your guidance system. Move towards what feels better, little by little.
Rinse and repeat.
Narrow Pathway & 2 of pentacles
When you have a lot on your plate it can become second nature to balance everything without really thinking and move through your day.
You are the master of autopilot sometimes.
That’s its own kind of superpower. But it can also take you out of the present moment.
Balancing and prioritizing requires thoughtful intention, otherwise it’s easy to take on too much or just find yourself lost and unwell.
Take inventory of all the things you do each day automatically—from hygiene to your commute or dinner habits—notice where you can bring more presence to these places.
How do you feel?
What do you smell and hear and see?
If you notice that you don’t really like how something feels, see if you can change course a little and check in again.
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