Hello dear reader,
Today marks the longest day of sunlight here in the northern hemisphere, otherwise known as the summer solstice, or commonly among earthy & Pagan folks as Litha.
There are many ancient and contemporary rituals to celebrate this time of year, but if you’d like to keep things simple here are a few ideas:
☀️ Get outside and spend some time in the sunshine and thank her for giving you life
☀️ Celebrate the abundance you have and the abundance you’ll harvest later in the season (you don’t need to literally garden for this)
☀️ Burn a candle or light a big fire to connect with the incredible power of the sun
☀️ Set some big intentions for the coming weeks and months and lean into where you feel the most supported
☀️ Be joyful! Smell the flowers, dance, sing, create something
In tarot, the Sun reminds us of innocence, youth, and joy. Embrace these aspects of the Self and ride the high vibes available to you during this time.
The Cards
Decks: The Herbal Astrology Oracle & Tazama African Tarot
Hold up!
Choose a card from the photo above before scrolling down.
Passionflower & 5 of Swords
Passionflower asks you to surrender, and the five of Swords is the very thing to let go of: a conflict, tension, or competitive vibe you’ve been carrying around.
It can even go as deep as trying to win at all costs. We’re human, and sometimes if stressed, provoked, or hurt enough we’ll show up as a less desirable version of ourselves.
Take a deep breath and notice that part of yourself that isn’t quite aligned with who you’d like to be.
Thank that part of you and let it go, regardless of the outcome you’re after.
Take another deep breath and imagine how you truly desire to show up. Sit with that for a little while. Then do it again everyday until this conflict moves on.
Mitragynia & Page of Swords reversed
The shape shifting power of Mitragynia (also known commonly as Kratom) means that we have the ability to move through our current states of mood and mind. Everything is ephemeral.
The Page of Swords reversed has a tendency to act hastily on impulse. Is there a pattern in your life where you’re repeating a pattern of making choices that aren’t aligned?
Or perhaps you’ve made one big ol’ choice that has you feeling not so great.
Either way, this is a reminder that you can return from where you are, one choice at a time. Nothing is permanent in this life, and Mitragynia helps you to focus on what feels good.
What feels good for you right now? Can you get there one decision—one step—at a time?
This message is a hearty YES. Yes you can.
Cat’s Claw & 2 of Swords reversed
It’s time to shake it out. Hit the reset button. Clear the energies.
Cat’s Claw is a potent reminder that you can rewrite your story, the same way you choose to write it each day.
If you’re finding yourself feeling like you keep making one poor decision after another, or that you’re struggling to make one at all, Cat’s Claw carries a gentle message that there may be some deep, even ancestral, healing that is calling to be addressed.
It is easy to get caught in loops of thought and behavior and not fully understand why you are making certain decisions in the first place.
Healing, which involves looking at the self in a tough love way (and ideally with support) is a lifelong process that can close unhelpful doors and open beautiful new ones.
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